Blog and Forum Pages

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

There is something going around ...

Yes, another wargaming blog award, designed to shed light on those smaller blogs (less than 200 followers) that has some good entries on them.

Thanks to Black Smoke of The Colour of War blog for nominating me. His comments about the blog were "Lots of Flames of War and Commands and Colors thoughts and analysis. Definitely worth a read if you're into either of these systems." I have to smile because the notification was posted in a comment on an entry about using my Flames of War figures for another game. Maybe I will get back to Flames of War someday. I keep buying the books ...

So, on with the ceremony!

Leibster Blog Awards

The rules:

  • Copy and paste the award on your blog, linking it to the blogger who has given it to you.
  • Pass the award to your top five favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their blog posts to notify them that they have won the award and list them on your own blog.
  • Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that you have just made someone's day.
  • There is no obligation to pass this onto anyone else but it is nice if you do.
My nominations are (in no particular order):

  1. Chicago Skirmish Wargames - Skirmish gaming, par excellence! Great photos of people having fun without masses of figures. I snap some scenario ideas from there every so often.
  2. Drums and Shakos - Game designer Sergio Laliscia's blog has information on some of my favorite rules. I am also waiting for more sneak peeks on his new games.
  3. Grand Scale Wargaming - Lots of lovely pictures of medieval armies and using the mass of smaller scale to get, well, wargaming in a grand scale!
  4. Sean's Wargames Corner - I find a good bit of humor and a few ideas on tools to use and things to try on his blog.
  5. Shaun's Wargaming with Miniatures - The King of Ancients Wargaming, and Chief Reviewer of Ancients rules. I like his analysis and map drawers.
Actually, there are quite a number more, but I was limited to 5. :^)


  1. Dale,

    As these were doing the rounds, I immediately thought of my top 5 blogs if I got nominated. Yours was in the top 5. You did nominate me but I can find nothing in the rules to prohibit me including you in my nominations.

  2. ..and it all the excitement to nominate you, I forgot to thank you for your nomination to me. So, Dale, thanks for the nomination,much appreciated.
