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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Finally finished the basing for two new Spartan elements, morphing an Early Spartan army I purchased into a Later Spartan army.

The Cavalry:

These are Xyston Miniatures "Spartan Cavalry", except for the center figure, which is from the "Spartan Mounted Generals" pack. I realize that The Later Spartan army does not allow for a Cv (General) option, but other rules do. (I know, I know ... heresy!)

The tunics are GW Foundation Red with a GW Red Wash for the soldiers and GW Blood Red with a GW Red Wash for the officer. The cloaks are Polly S Signal Red with two coats of GW Red Wash for the soldiers and Testors Italian Red with two coats of GW Red Wash for the officer. As you can tell, I've been experimenting with other paint brands again!

The Hammipoi:

These are Xyston Miniatures "Spartan Hammipoi". To represent a poorer color quality to the tunics I went with GW Tanned Flesh with a GW Red Wash followed by a highlight with GW Dwarf Flesh with GW Red Wash. The base-wash-highlight-wash cycle seems to blend them better than I could ever do manually with a three-layer paint method.

I was originally going to mount these two elements together on a single base, 2 cavalry and 2 hammipoi, but I started reading a proposed Hoplite army for DBMM and it had the hammipoi as Ps that could provide rear support to Cv, so I decided to do that instead. Just in case...

On both of these elements I am using Litko 3mm plywood bases (what I am converting everything to). I glue some fine black volcanic gravel, paint the entire base Chocolate Brown (Americana acrylic craft paint), then dry-brush it with GW Foundation Light Brown Gray and GW Foundation Light Blue Gray. I then use GW Green Flock and GW Dry Grass to top it off. (I load up on GW flocks, paints, and grasses every year when the FLGS has its 50% off sale in the fall. Otherwise it is too expensive.)

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